We value the themes of climate change, water and marine resources, biodiversity and ecosystems, and resource use and circular economy.
View the current figures
In accordance with the EED energy audit requirement, we have an audit performed every four years. Our EED report was filed with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency in March 2021, after which the Agency classed the report as an energy audit report. The audit conclusion and recommendations were included in our conversion plans up to and including 2023. These should lead to lower energy consumption and thereby contribute to our carbon reduction target for 2030.
Carbon reduction
Our mission obliges us to continuously show both boldness and common sense in our innovation drive, while also always seeking to strike a balance between environmental and economic returns. For maximum transparency of our efforts, we calculate the carbon emissions from our operations. To be able to relate the resulting figure to the development of our company and to be able to extrapolate a realistic multi-year trend, we show our carbon emissions in relation to our revenue.
Environmentally sustainable activities under the EU Taxonomy
The EU Taxonomy Regulation entered into force in mid-2020. The Taxonomy Regulation aims to encourage and increase the understanding of ‘sustainable finance and investment’. The EU taxonomy contains environmentally sustainable (‘green’) activities on which annual reporting is mandatory.
Six environmental objectives under the EU taxonomy:
The EU has adopted the first two delegated acts on climate change mitigation and adaptation. These delegated acts set out which economic activities are regarded as ‘eligible’. For an economic activity to be classed as ‘environmentally friendly’ under the EU taxonomy, it must first be determined whether it is ‘taxonomy-eligible’ and then whether it is ‘taxonomy-aligned’.
Voor ons is het beheer van vissoorten een materieel onderwerp. Wij willen de negatieve impact op water en mariene ecosystemen beperken door in de sourcing van het visassortiment te kiezen voor een duurzaam alternatief. Hierbij gaan we uit van de kaders en relevante keurmerken onder eerlijk & heerlijk die betrekking hebben op onze mariene ecosystemen. Wij promoten het goede en helpen onze klanten bij het maken van hun duurzame keuze door te wijzen op verantwoorde alternatieven.
Biodiversiteit en ecosystemen is een breed materieel thema. Hierbinnen zijn dierenwelzijn, biodiversiteit en ontbossing voor ons materiële onderwerpen. Uitgangspunt van ons beleid bij alle onderwerpen is het promoten van het goede en onze klanten helpen bij het maken van hun duurzamere keuze door te wijzen op verantwoorde alternatieven.
Sustainable packaging
The packaging of a product has several important functions. It contributes to food safety, prevents wastage and provides information about the product to the user. The most sustainable packaging does all of these things. For premium brand products, these choices are made by the manufacturer. For our Exclusive Brands (own brands), we ourselves weigh up the pros and cons of packaging on a product-by-product basis. The focus is mainly on reducing resource use, as this generates an immediate profit.
Single-use plastics
The European Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUP Directive) came into force on 3 July 2021. The Directive bans disposable plastic products such as straws, plates, cutlery and stirrers. The measures in the SUP regulations are aimed at cutting the amount of disposable plastic in litter and thereby reducing the impact it has on the environment.
Waste from our activities in the Netherlands is separately collected, recorded and processed, with the goal of extracting the maximum possible amount of potential new raw materials.