Sligro Food Group highly rated as employer

The staff opinion of Sligro Food Group as an employer is good. Incompany 200, an independent job satisfaction survey carried out among the employees of the hundred largest companies in the Netherlands, ranks Sligro Food Group in 45th position. That puts Sligro in second place in the retail sector behind number one retailer IKEA. Staff give Sligro an average score of almost 7 (6.95) in the report. The national average is 6.85.

Sligro has scored highly in the Incompany survey for some years but has now beaten its previous best of 6.88, achieved in 2012. With a score of 6.95, Sligro is comfortably number two in the retail and wholesale sector, in which IKEA has topped the list for many years. ‘The fact that Sligro is not a direct competitor of IKEA and is instead up against supermarkets and other large food chains makes Sligro the winner in its particular field’, comments Incompany. This success is mainly down to the ‘old strength’ of the company, ‘its culture’, which scored 7.41. Top marks were also given for ‘atmosphere at work’ (7.73), ‘team spirit’ (7.67) and ‘contact with managers’ (7.63).

High rated employer Sligro

Three out of four employees proud
There is room for improvement and growth according to Incompany in ‘career mentoring’ (6.37) and ‘scope for career progression’ (6.43). But that is all there is with regard to improvement potential, because Sligro scores very highly indeed on its internal reputation. The survey reveals that three out of four employees are proud to work for Sligro.

The final report figure on which the top 103 in the Incompany 200 survey is based is the arithmetic mean of the scores for the 18 aspects on which employers are judged. For more details, see the Incompany website.