Sligro from now on 'Accredited Work Placement Company'

As of May 19th, Sligro Food Group may call itself an 'Accredited Work Placement Company' in the Netherlands. An important part of mbo-education consists of working and learning in practice, known as vocational practice training. Students do this at a recognized work placement company. As a student, you can now work at all Sligro locations.

As an accredited work placement company, we have met the following conditions:

  • We offer students a good and safe workplace where they can practice the activities associated with the profession for which they are being trained.
  • We appoint a practical supervisor who knows the requirements of the training and provides the time and resources to supervise the students on the workplace.
  • We are willing to cooperate with the school and SBB, and provide the necessary information for this purpose.
  • We agree to mention the company details on and, the websites where students look for an internship or apprenticeship.

As an accredited work placement company you make an important contribution to the future of craftsmanship. Did you know that we already have 104 mbo students employed? We can be proud of that!