Share information

Sligro Food Group shares have been listed on Euronext Amsterdam since 1989. This page contains listing, security code and stock dividend details together with other information.

Share details

The shares of Sligro Food Group have a nominal value of € 0.06. There were 44,108,415 shares in issue at year-end 2019.


The shares of Sligro Food Group are listed on Euronext Amsterdam. Sligro Food Group is included in the AScX Index.

Security code

ISIN code: NL 0000817179

Geographical analysis of share ownership


Private investors Institutions Total
in % 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Netherlands 53 53 21 23 74 76
UK     8 7 8 7
USA     4 5 4 5
Other countries     3 1 3 1
Total 53 53 36 36 89 89

Changes in share capital


Numbers of shares ( x 1,000) 2019 2018 2017 2016
In issue as a start of a year 44,255 44,255 44,255 44,255
Repurchased (cumulative) ¹)   (111) (290) (375)
Outstanding as at year-end 44,108 44,144 43,965 43,880
Average number outstanding   44,099 43,944 43,858

¹) Included in the average number of shares outstanding as from the date concerned.

Share splits

The shares of Sligro Food Group were split in 1995 (2 for 1), 1998 (2.5 for 1), 2003 (2 for 1) and 2007 (2 for 1).

Dividend policy

Regular and variable dividend
Sligro Food Group seeks to pay a regular dividend of approximately 60% of the profit after tax, excluding extraordinary items. The dividend is paid in cash. Depending on the capital ratio and liquidity position, a proposal may be made to declare an additional variable dividend.

Interim and final dividend
The dividend is paid in two instalments, consisting of an interim dividend in the second half of the year and a final dividend after the Annual General Meeting. In principle, the interim dividend is set at half the regular dividend for the preceding year.